
I am a Digital Forensics student studying at university in the UK. I also do some Cyber Security modules.
I am currently in my 2nd year.
I have mainly started this to post interesting things I have learned and problems I have encountered.
However, I will use it to do write ups about useful things I want to remember such as commands and tools I have used so I don't forget them! (To be honest, I don't expect anyone to read this!)

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Zip Password Cracker Kali

So i have just extracted a zip file from a Wireshark log file.

I tried to unzip it and it seems to have a password.

I have never used a password cracker in Linux before so i had a quick Google to see what Kali comes bundled with to do this. I came up with "fcrackzip".

This post is mainly to keep the commands written down somewhere for my own personal use, but might help someone if they are awful at Googling and cant find what they need in the hundreds of pages talking about fcrackzip.

Dictionary Attack

fcrackzip -D -u -c a -l 1-10 -p /root/<wordlist> <zip file>

The -u makes sure fcrackzip actually tries the password - otherwise you will get multiple "possible passwords found". 
The "-c a" specifies lowercase alphabetic.
The "-l 1-10" specifies a length of 1-10 characters
The -p is the flag for the wordlist

Brute Force Attack 

fcrackzip -b -u -c a -l 1-10 <zip file>

The "-v" flag can be used if you want verbose mode.

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